Dear Piggy Buyer,
As a pig breeder, animal health is my top priority. That’s why I enthusiastically recommend NuVet Plus, an immune system builder, to all of my customers. Simply put, it is the best nutritional supplement available today.
To assure your piglet gets off to the right start, they have been enjoying NuVet Plus every day as a treat (they love the taste). Continuing this daily regimen is the easiest and best way to keep your pet on the path to perfect health!
Hundreds of thousands of pigs, dogs, and cats are using NuVet to protect against most ailments. From backyard pesticides, pet food allergies and hormones, toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting, and even ailments transmitted from the soil and the vet’s office. All this while maintaining a beautiful skin and coat.
This is not just a vitamin. It’s an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids, and high-potency antioxidants. That’s why it works so well through all three stages of a pig’s life.
For younger pigs (under 2 years old), it strengthens the immune system, while building and strengthening the cardiovascular, skeletal, and nerve systems. It also helps protect them from the side effects of vaccinations and the stress of new and different environments.
For pigs in their prime (age 2-8), it improves the luster of their skin and coat while protecting against allergies, skin and coat problems, staining from tears, digestive problems, etc.
For older pigs(over 8 years old), it helps protect against tumors, premature aging, cataracts, heart conditions, diabetes, and many types of cancer, while extending the life and improving the vitality of many pigs.

NuVet is not available in stores and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet professional.
For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer by calling 800-474-7044 and using Order Code: 63690, or ordering online at can also save an additional 15% and assure you never run out of NuVet by choosing the “AutoShip” option at check out.
Please order prior to picking up or receiving your piglet. When asked, you would order the dog wafer.
Joyce T. Wells
Angel Enterprise Farm
100% Natural Ingredients
Manufactured in the U.S. in an FDA (Human Grade) Pharmaceutical lab
No sugars, fillers, or grains
Safe to use at all life stages; piglets to seniors
60-Day Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Vitamins help with the condition and care of your piglets’ hooves